Strategic Business Case Studies

Despite its pivotal role in governing golf, public awareness of the United States Golf Association (USGA) was extremely low. Many were unaware of the USGA’s role behind the scenes, particularly compared to the more visible Professional Golfers Association (PGA).

Redwave Technology
In the wake of 9/11, several companies rose to the challenge of serving first responders. One such organization was SensIR Technologies. Its breakthrough threat-detection technology was the basis for a truly portable – and powerful – machine designed to give emergency and military responders the ability to proactively and accurately identify threats, including hazardous chemicals, chemical warfare agents, and more.

Wicked Tuna
In planning a go-to-market strategy for a decidedly narrow-focused consumer good, Wicked Tuna was seeking to identify and effectively target a strong market using strategies that traditionally rely heavily on demographic data and consumer assumptions.